Sunday, December 9, 2007

AJ's First Day On Skis!

So today was the day that Julie and mom and the two grandmothers went to see The Nutcracker. AJ and I - cause, you know "guys stick together" - we decided to go skiing!!

AJ has rented gear for the first time this season but had never been on skis before. We drove up to thunder Ridge in Patterson NY about 15 mins away. They had been makings now all week and we got about 3 inches of fresh snow Friday night so it looked perfect for his inaugural run.

We arrived at exactly noon, suited up and trudged out. I forgot to bring the little rubber clamps that keeps the ski tips from crossing or spreading though, and so we pretty much just flailed around on the icy hill. He could barely stand up and I was sweat soaked after carrying him up and down the hill. So at 12:15pm we went in for lunch!! Whoo hoo! It's Miller time!

After some pizza and soup we re-grouped. I bought the rubber clamps inside, walked him 200 yards all the way over to the kiddie lift and we rode up determined to "do it right" this time. I tucked him between my knees and pointed the tips downhill. He whooped it up the whole way down and was grinning ear-to-ear when we got back on the chair. We did that about 10 times more and by the end he was snow-plowing (we called it a "pizza wedge") half the way down (still between my legs) and then asking me to "go fast" the rest of the way. We had a great time and I know he'll do great when we go to VT in Feb now. Pray for snow!

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